5am came very early to the 5 of of this morning. We frantically made coffee, loaded gear, and headed out to the dive shop. The boat was full of divers and even had a film crew on board for a Travel Channel episode. We would later find out that this group of divers for the channel have been waiting to get out for a week, and now the weather has greatly improved. Good for us, and good for them. We were all excited and are anticipating our first dive.
Katherine, Michael, Chris, Gavin (2nd Mate and Dive Master), Sid from NYC, and Sera.
Sera making her first descent on the Aeolus. Water line is air in the lens...oops! Visibility was GREAT!
Strong current on the site and lots of sand tiger sharks. That is just what we wanted to see.
Chris and Sera admiring the beast.
Michael hopefully getting good footage of this one on the GoPro.
After an amazing dive we just chill out on the boat. Some are more tired than others.
The second dive on the Indra we saw many of these nudibranch on the hull. I never got the shot I wanted, but this one will do. Nudis are my favorite!
Katherine going through the hull.
Spider crab.
I thought this was an interesting shot of the anemone. There were not too many of these guys on the wreck.
These gobies were everywhere and of varying species. They back into their holes extremely fast and makes it difficult to get a shot. The look on their faces is quite funny with those huge eyes.
We ended the day back at the beach house with a wonderfully cooked salmon and veggies. Michael rocked it out with the sous vide machine. More about that later.
These are much more colorful pictures than the others you shared...what gives?!