We had a wonderful time visiting the folks in South Carolina. That would be, my parents and family. But, you never know who might show up in the area when we are there. We were lucky to have my 3 nieces, Grant and Jess. And, then it got worse, Brittany from Atlanta showed up and it went downhill from there. There were projects to do around the house and fun to be had by all. The Summer Solstice was coming up and we had to prepare for the festivities.
We made head wreaths for the event from store bought flowers and plants from the backyard.
They took a little longer to make than expected, but look how great they are!
Everyone joined in the fun knowing there would be some fire jumping that night.
The weather was cooperating and we hoped to even see some stars.
First order of business: Get the meat cooked! Mr. Gibbs was there to help.
Not only was there Midsummer's events planned, but we had to get the backyard ham radio antenna set up as well. In the above picture, you can see the antenna work going on in the background. My dad wanted to raise the antenna 12' or so and strongly secure it. Later, we made a trench to cover the feed line.
Brittany came over from Atlanta for 2 nights and we had a LOT of fun. We were friends in high school in Florida, but became even better friends and dive trip buddies over the years.
Alexis and me getting a little crazy as the night progressed.
Katherine, Brit, and Hailey
Me, Jess, Hailey, Grant, Lindsey, Kath, Brit, and my mom running away!
Let the fire jumping begin!
(Mind you, it was already hot outside and no fire was needed.)
Alexis making it happen.
Haley with a little help.
Lindsey in the moment!
Two beauties at Midsummers!
Most likely watching American Ninja Warrior.
Rocca living the life.
We had some time to step out for a bit. One of our excursions took us to the local Cabela's store. I needed some warm coveralls for the upcoming elk hunt in November. Yes, it was hot and humid outside, but I was planning for the fall and found something that fit nicely and would be plenty warm. And, obviously, I look great! I just need my banjo.
Katherine and I would go out for walks at all times of day. We never saw a snake on our walking paths, but when we took Brittany's car out for a ride, we came across this snake crossing the road. I took a few pics, then we continued down the road. When we came back, he was gone.
South Carolina was a blast for sure. We plan on visiting again over the winter holidays and creating more hysteria! I have some plans to build an outdoor table for the backyard which my dad and I brainstormed a bit. We'll see what happens.
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