Garnerbiker's Journey on planet Earth

This blog started as a trip journal for the summer of 2011 Europe trip of 69 days. My wife Katherine, and I decided to use the entire summer break that teachers get, and go crazy. Everything was new to us. I was surprised at the blog's following. It has now become a tradition to travel on our breaks and blog about it. I write mostly as a journal for myself and students, but also give travel ideas to others that might want to travel like us, or go to the places we have seen. Take a look at what's on here. The experiences that I have had through travel are continuously shaping my life. I recommend you get out there and do it!


Monday, June 11, 2012

LA Airport

Well, we made it through the security and have our bags going all the way to Phuket. I find it interesting with the layover, we will leave the AP and stay somewhere in Bangkok and then come back when our bags have spent the night without us. Poor bags :(

Now for the people contact.... I talked the guys ear off on the Vegas to LA flight. Not a very interesting guy. But, I find it interesting with the luck of the draw who is sitting next to you on the plane. The dude was going to Singapore on a business trip and seemed to be in disbelief with the stories I was telling him.

While we were waiting for the Thai Airways flight, there was a family next to us with a few older people in the crew and some older children. As soon as Katherine got up to scope the place out, the guy I had been observing decided to chat with me. He introduced himself as JJ and was heading to Thailand after being gone for 32 years. I told him I know exactly how long that is since that is how long I have been on this lovely planet. He said he had not been back since he swam across the Mekong River at a 45 degree angle to get out. This is where my ignorance comes into play. I am not sure what direction he was going or where he was fleeing, but he has a US passport that I saw and the children spoke without an accent at all. He wore sleek white overalls and was on the cell phone making arrangements for the travel through his carrier. Obviously, he has fled a situation and come to America and is "living the dream." Good for him!

Update: The plane is now boarding at 2:15pm. We are going to get into Bangkok LATE!!! Unfortunately, we booked a place in town to stay for out long layover. Now, they a going to get us at 2am or so. Argghhh! After a walk through the airport to stretch the legs, we got back to the gate and our plane had arrived. What a sight! It's a white Boeing 777 airplane with purple, gold, and hot pink diagonal stripes. The Thai flag is on the back of the rudder and I have never seen such a thing. Ok. Let me enter the SD card from the camera and try to upload the pic...




  1. That looks SOOO superimposed!

  2. Too bad I couldn't do something like that on the iPad. I will y to edit some short fish videos when we get back from diving tomorrow. Check out the Hello Kitty pic form the next day.
