Garnerbiker's Journey on planet Earth

This blog started as a trip journal for the summer of 2011 Europe trip of 69 days. My wife Katherine, and I decided to use the entire summer break that teachers get, and go crazy. Everything was new to us. I was surprised at the blog's following. It has now become a tradition to travel on our breaks and blog about it. I write mostly as a journal for myself and students, but also give travel ideas to others that might want to travel like us, or go to the places we have seen. Take a look at what's on here. The experiences that I have had through travel are continuously shaping my life. I recommend you get out there and do it!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lisbon to Baleal Surf Camp

This post is really going to be simple. I want to show you a little of our living arrangements in the Yes! Hostel Lisbon, and then talk about our travels to the ocean at Baleal.

The Yes! Hostel in Lisbon has an industrial kitchen that the guests can use to cook. Very nice!
I like when they post the rules because you can't expect people to know these things. Not everyone's common sense in there in a hostel!
Too bad they were cleaning the juicer. It looked pretty cool. You could have fresh squeezed juice at the push of a button.
As we were leaving, they were doing the daily cleaning of the place. I have never seen a cleaning process like this in a hostel. Everything was very clean.
Kathine waiting patiently for the subway to take us to the bus stop. It was Sunday so not many people were running about.
Here is the bus station in Lisbon. The ride from Lisbon to Peniche is an hour and a half. Not too bad, but the road is winding and winding and winding. I started to feel a little sick.
We knew that we aware at the beach since there were large sand dunes everywhere. You can't see the ocean very well from the road because the dunes are blocking the view. The bus let us off in the industrial area of Peniche and we had to find a taxi to the camp. There was no public phone in the terminal and only a few people. Katherine saw a taxi drop someone off, so she ran outside to flag him down. Thanks goodness it worked. We jumped in and he took us to Baleal Surf Camp.
We went right to the reception area and squared away the bill. From there we jumped in a small van and a lady took us to our private apartment! Yes, that's what I said. We could not believe it. This place will be ours for the week. Check this out.
We can't wait to cook up some meals in this kitchen.
We walked down to the ocean to get our first real glimpse. This will be our beach for the week. No too shabby! This is looking to the NNE.
Pretty much the same location, but looking to the NW.

Tonight we are going to rest up big time since the call time is 9 am and we only got a couple hours of sleep last night. I have a feeling this week is going to wreck us and it is ideal to eat enough food and rest. We can't wait to see what a surf camp is all about.


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