09 Jul 2013 Portland to Mt. Rainier Nat. Park
The drive
from Portland to Seattle is only 3 hours, but when you are on a huge summer
trip, why not break it up with a stop at Mt. Rainier National Park? That was the plan, and what a glorious plan
it was. The park is tremendous! The volcano stands out of the surroundings
like a giant mountain shaped ice berg.
It is just over 14,400 feet and this monster is completely covered not
only in snow, but 20 glaciers. It is
capable of total devastation, visible from the avalanche chutes, lava flows,
and water run off. When this thing blows
it’s top again, everyone will feet its impact.
We are staying at a campsite with signs posted saying, “You are in a
danger zone and have been warned. Camp
at your own risk.” Lovely. Not only will bears kill us, but now we will
die from hot lava and melting snow mudslides.
Nature, you win, but just let me sleep the night.
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