Garnerbiker's Journey on planet Earth

This blog started as a trip journal for the summer of 2011 Europe trip of 69 days. My wife Katherine, and I decided to use the entire summer break that teachers get, and go crazy. Everything was new to us. I was surprised at the blog's following. It has now become a tradition to travel on our breaks and blog about it. I write mostly as a journal for myself and students, but also give travel ideas to others that might want to travel like us, or go to the places we have seen. Take a look at what's on here. The experiences that I have had through travel are continuously shaping my life. I recommend you get out there and do it!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Chiang Mai, Day 3

Well, so much for "I can eat anything I want." Sometime after the mountain bike ride the day before, my stomach said, "I am done. Stop doing this to me!" I spent the evening and night trying to make amends with my insides. Luckily, we had another day in Chiang Mai where I could chill out in the room with a TV and the restroom close by. Katherine got some laundry done and we made arrangements for the travel to Laos.

While laying on the bed, we watched a Euro trial for the Olympic Games. It was all track and field which, surprised us, since that sort of thing never makes it to TV in the USA very often. There is something special to see a woman chuck a shot put 60 meters.

With clean laundry and a little rest, hopefully tomorrow will be a smoother ride to the border of Laos.




  1. Dude, just face it, you've got malaria or typhoid fever or something, not a normal upset stomach from over eating... :0)

  2. So sorry to hear you're down...this reminds me of traveling with my veterinarian father in the USSR back in the 70s. He carried cans of chicken noodle soup, saltines and Pepto Bismal, all over the country, administering liberal doses of all three whenever anyone fell ill. Usually took 24 hrs before they were back to trying weird stuff again. Be careful out there!
