Garnerbiker's Journey on planet Earth

This blog started as a trip journal for the summer of 2011 Europe trip of 69 days. My wife Katherine, and I decided to use the entire summer break that teachers get, and go crazy. Everything was new to us. I was surprised at the blog's following. It has now become a tradition to travel on our breaks and blog about it. I write mostly as a journal for myself and students, but also give travel ideas to others that might want to travel like us, or go to the places we have seen. Take a look at what's on here. The experiences that I have had through travel are continuously shaping my life. I recommend you get out there and do it!


Monday, June 22, 2015

Puno to Cusco

Today was a travel day, but we chose to travel in luxury.  We opted for the fancy Inka Express tourist bus that stops along the way.  6 stops to be exact.  After getting to Cusco, we realized that this was the best way to go.  There was just SO much to see along the way.  

Here we are in the lobby of Suites Antonio preparing to leave.

The bus in the background was ours.  We were in a super small group with only 10 people. 

Our first stop was a museum with some Pre-Inca relics.  The countryside is beautiful.

This particular village makes clay bulls for good luck and protection.  They were on the rooftops of most of the houses. 

Random pictures from the bus window.

There were speed bumps along the way in the villages.  Sometimes there would be vendors selling... I have no idea what. 

The high point along the tour.  In the distance is a glacier.

You can see really far in the dry air.

Lunch buffet.  My ears were unable to clear with the changes in elevation.

We stopped at an artisanal market at an Inca temple.  It was like a flea market mixed with a county fair.  There was even a stage with dancing in the center.  

The remains of an Inca temple are in the distance. 

Anyone need a truck load of Jackasses?

We arrived in Cusco right as it became dark, got a taxi, and headed to the hostel.  Charles, Katherine's brother was waiting for us, and now the party will begin.  We will be in Cusco for 2 days to allow Charles to acclimate and then we head out on the Inca trail. 

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