Well. Back in town I have observed many things that have kept my mind wondering and wandering. There were a few blog entries that I wrote, but will not publish due to the depressing nature. I want to keep the world safe from my daily observances and interpretations. The above picture is from a house in my neighborhood that has undergone numerous transitions. It is right by the mailbox and i see it every time i get my mail. I have seen tenants of all kinds and even a drywall refurbishing. How is this possible in a 5yr old house? Now, surely it is foreclosed and some, most likely CA owner has left it just go to Hell. The papers outside and the below picture of the side yard show everything. How can this happen? I just sit in a home that is 1/2 the value and still go on with normal life. Just looking at this place, I wonder what the good ol'e govt. is spending on something like this and who has made out, and who has lost it all. This place could tell a ton of stories. Every one is different. All my neighbors, except for 2 in an overcrowded street have left, and houses have flipped. I just sit back and watch. Surely, this must be the wrong thing to do, but I just wait.
Garnerbiker's Journey on planet Earth
This blog started as a trip journal for the summer of 2011 Europe trip of 69 days. My wife Katherine, and I decided to use the entire summer break that teachers get, and go crazy. Everything was new to us. I was surprised at the blog's following. It has now become a tradition to travel on our breaks and blog about it. I write mostly as a journal for myself and students, but also give travel ideas to others that might want to travel like us, or go to the places we have seen. Take a look at what's on here. The experiences that I have had through travel are continuously shaping my life. I recommend you get out there and do it!